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Native Date Picker
Select any date
"Date time local" is an input field used in web forms to collect date and time information from users. It allows the user to select a date and time using a graphical user interface (GUI) widget, this GUI is built-in all modern browsers like Chrome, Safari, Mozilla and Edge.

Because Webflow currently does not support date-time-local as a native element iin form, we can use a code embed to use this date-time-local field.
1. Create a Webflow Form
2. Add a Custom Code Embed in Webflow Form
3. Paste the Code given below in Custom Code Embed
4. Replace "id" with your preferred name of the input. Example - "meeting time" or "birth day", etc.
5. Replace value="2023-02-18T17:30" -  date with any date you want to enter by default.

Additional steps:
- Replace class with class you have used on other inputs to give some CSS properties to date picket input field.
-min="2023-02-18T00:00" max="2023-03-19T00:00" , replace these dates with any limits you want to predefine. remove these if you don't want any limits.

Use in dark mode:
if you are using a dark theme for your website, add CSS in the second code snipped below to use using dark mode for Date GUI

1. Add in Head

Copy Code


2. Add before </body>

Copy Code
